
Multipurpose toothpaste.

By Lilias

One of the best products for personal hygiene is toothpaste. Without this product it would be difficult to maintain good breath, dental health and freshness in our mouth. But besides that, toothpaste can be used for other things. You will be surprised to know everything you can do with it. Surely from now on you will not only have it in your bathroom.

To whiten the skin and remove blemishes.

Mix a tablespoon of toothpaste and 2 drops of lemon juice until smooth. Apply to the face at night for 15 minutes. Then rinse well. During the day use sunscreen to avoid new spots. Do this for about 2 weeks and wait for the results.

To lighten the skin.

To brighten your skin without spending too much. Simply take a small amount of toothpaste and mix it with tomato juice, then apply it to your face to lighten it. Same as the previous recommendation, use at night and rinse well, use sunscreen during the day.

Against insect bites.

Put toothpaste on your insect bite to prevent it from biting you. Apply a dime-sized amount to your insect bite. This method also helps cool burns on your skin.

To remove strong odors from your hands.

The ingredients in toothpaste that deodorize your mouth also work on your hands. If you have a bad odor, wash your hands with toothpaste, this will neutralize odors and make your hands smell great.

For acne.

Simply squeeze some toothpaste into a container and with a cotton swab apply some toothpaste to the acne spots. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Against wrinkles and signs of aging.

Wrinkles can also be reduced with the help of toothpaste. All you need to do is apply toothpaste to the area and leave it on overnight. Rinse off the next day.

To make lips look pink.

Squeeze toothpaste onto your toothbrush and add honey to it. Use it to brush your lips for about 5 minutes.