
This recipe is a real miracle! It will help cure your joint pain in one day!

By Lilias

Whether you do manual labor or sit in your office chair, joint pain has become a part of our lives.

Due to our fast-paced lifestyle, many of us experience pain in our joints even before the age of 25.

Joint pain can be caused by fractures, injuries, hard work, rheumatism, arthritis and other factors.

If you want to get rid of joint pain naturally, here is a special remedy for you. This is a homemade cream recipe from old Russian medical books. The effect has proven its effectiveness.

To prepare the cream, you need very few ingredients and the process is quite simple.

Here is a detailed recipe for a cream that can be used at night to treat joint pain.

You will need :

honey – 2 tbsp.
mustard – 1 tsp.
sea ​​salt ½ tsp.
baking soda – 1 tbsp. l.
Instructions :

Take 2 tablespoons of honey and add 1 tbsp. baking soda
Use a wooden spoon to mix the ingredients and add 1 teaspoon of hot mustard to it.
Then add ½ tsp. of sea salt and mix well to obtain a homogeneous paste.
Now apply the homemade cream on the damaged part and cover with a plastic bag.
Wrap it with another woolen fabric and tie it.
Let the cream remain on the affected area for at least 2 hours.
You can use this cream at night.
Rinse with warm water the next day in the morning.
Continue using this medicine every night for 2 weeks to get relief from joint pain.

Now it has become easy for you to treat joint pain at home.