
Apply toothpaste to a kitchen knife. I didn’t expect it to be so effective

By Lesia
  • Dull kitchen knife
  • Dull scissors
  • Toothpaste
  • Porcelain bowl
  • White vinegar
  • Edible salt
  • Water


  1. Spread toothpaste evenly on the blade of a dull kitchen knife and the blades of the scissors. Let them sit for 5 minutes to help remove residue.
  2. Place a porcelain bowl upside down on a table. Add a few drops of white vinegar to the top surface and sprinkle some edible salt on the bottom edge. This reduces oxidation and increases friction for sharpening.
  3. Hold the knife in one hand and rub it against the porcelain bowl from top to bottom. Keep the knife’s center of gravity in the same direction. Repeat for both sides of the knife. Do the same with the scissors.
  4. Rinse the knife and scissors under running water to remove toothpaste and residue. The rust should be gone and the blade should look sharp and clean.
  5. Remember not to over-sharpen. It only takes a little time to achieve the desired results.