
Bedbugs on linen, how to eliminate them in one step: Here’s how to get rid of them

By Lesia

In this season, one of the most common problems is the green bedbugs that infiltrate our homes through the linen. They are very annoying insects, but how can we get rid of them for good? Today, we are going to reveal to you how to do it: let’s find out more.

Green bedbugs are unwanted guests that everyone hates and that we would like to keep away from our homes. Many people wonder especially during this period, “how to keep bedbugs away”. These are insects that are distinguished by their unpleasant odor. It is therefore crucial to take measures to keep them away, without killing them.

In most cases, people turn to chemicals, but in reality, there are many natural ways or measures that can help you get rid of these annoying insects from your homes. They can enter through cracks, holes in the shutters or any other small space. How can we keep them away once and for all? Let’s find out how to do it in one step.

HOW TO AVOID AND DRIVE AWAY GREEN BUG … The natural remedy to keep green bugs at bay
When green bugs attach themselves to the laundry, it is really annoying. They camouflage themselves and are difficult to find because they hide very well. Often, we find them because of their unpleasant smell.

Marseille soap can help us, because it is an excellent insecticide. If you wash the laundry with this soap, the bugs will no longer land on your laundry, because they will be bothered by the smell. Or we can dilute it with water and spray it on the balcony, near the doors or windows.

The second DIY remedy to chase away bugs is the use of catnip, which is a repellent plant for all kinds of insects. Just place it near the clothes horse, next to the hanging laundry. In no time, you will hear the sound of the bugs’ wings, because they will fly away immediately.

These insects prefer humid and warm areas. Therefore, you just need to know this trick to make their environment unfavorable in every way. But be careful not to crush them, otherwise their smell could invade the entire room and it would be very difficult to eliminate it. If you do not have any of the items we have mentioned, just take them with a handkerchief and take them out of your house very carefully.