
Forget traps. There are much smarter ways to get rid of mice

By Lilias

While some people think these creatures are cute and innocent, we’re not going to lie to ourselves – for most people, mice are a real nuisance around the house. There’s no doubt that they live with us. Especially since they usually appear out of nowhere and have a knack for making us jump as soon as we meet them. The only problem: they sneak in so fast that it’s hard to get rid of them easily. Simply put, these rodents refuse to be evicted and happily feast on their food supply in the kitchen and basement.

Do you refuse to live one more minute with these intruders who infest the house with their excrement and leave behind a very unpleasant smell? There is no need to kill them or resort to overly aggressive traps. There are a variety of natural methods, without an ounce of a chemical, that will help you get rid of them very quickly. Discover them.

The Best Natural Mouse Repellents

To get rid of them permanently, most people think that it is necessary to kill mice as soon as they appear inside the house. This is wrong. Even if they disgust you and represent a risk to health security, they are living beings that are part of the ecosystem and must be preserved. In truth, you can easily evict them by playing the trick card. You should know that mice have a very fine and very sensitive sense of smell. So much so that, in addition to bothering them, certain smells can even scare them and discourage them from approaching the premises. Why not take advantage of this and opt for scents that scare them away? Especially since you probably already have a range of repellent herbs in your pantry that can easily  keep mice away without having to resort to traps or poisons.

Therefore, you can plant certain aromatic herbs:

  • Lemongrass
  • eucalyptus
  • hyacinth
  • laurel
  • spurge
  • tansy

In your garden or on the balcony. It would also be a good idea to spray essential oils of mint, chamomile, eucalyptus, fennel, yarrow or even oleander near their nest or in passageways. Mice also hate the smell of mouldy lemons. But mould is not recommended for your own health, so it is best to avoid this method. Keep in mind that baking soda also exerts a strong repulsion!

White vinegar to keep mice away?

White vinegar is an effective solution for scaring away mice due to its strong odor that repels them. To use it, prepare a spray based on white vinegar and spray it around the rooms of your home, concentrating the sprays on the infested areas. Repeat this operation regularly to maintain its repellent effect. You can amplify the effect by adding a few drops of white vinegar to the cat litter.

An electric repellent to keep mice away?

Otherwise, you still have the option of equipping your interior with electric repellents that are very effective in keeping rodents away. These devices emit ultrasounds whose vibrational frequency is inaudible to your ear, but unbearable for mice. You can install them in various places around the house. You will thus kill two birds with one stone: the mice that have already settled in your house will be so frightened that they will run away. As for the ones outside, they will not dare to come and prowl around.

Other solutions to scare away mice from your home

Here are some tips and tricks to prevent the appearance of mice and expel those that are already inside your home.

  • Block all openings:   Block any possible entry into the house, whether it’s cracks in the walls, doors, windows, or any other suspicious holes. Especially if it’s a bright space that will attract rats. Do the same with pipes, curtain covers, or vents.
  • Seal trash cans:  Always remember to close the lid on your trash cans. Even opt for a tight-fitting lid to keep it tightly closed, whether inside the house or in the yard. Remember that mice and rats will always be attracted to them to eat whatever food they can reach. The less access they have to it, the easier it will be to get rid of it.
  • Don’t expose your pet’s food   : if you leave your dog or cat’s food exposed outside or even inside the house, mice will not be able to resist the temptation. This food contains a lot of fats that rodents like.