
Today we will teach you how to read your face to know your health status

By Lilias

Discover what your face can reveal about your health status and what are the key points that could give you away
There are a series of health problems that we can present and many times we do not even realize that we are suffering from them since many of them are asymptomatic and do not affect our appearance, or so we believe.

Many of these diseases do not make us feel bad but they do give us a series of signs which we can observe externally, just by looking at our face in the mirror we can realize it.
Although you may not believe it, many of these signs are on our face and we do not know how to interpret them, we think they are simply imperfections but they are much more than that, they are the interpretation or expression of the diseases printed on our face.
Today we want to help you interpret these imperfections on your face that according to you, you believe are nothing more than signs of age or another type when in reality it is about your health. Keep reading this post and learn all the details.
What your face says about your health

It may sound absurd to simply say that you can decipher or read your face to find out about possible health problems that we may have in our body, but it is very possible.
Many people know when they are sick because of the large number of discomforts, signs and signals that they experience, but there are other ways to decipher if something is not right with our body and the face can help us with this.
As you already know, since the skin is the largest and most exposed organ in the body, it allows us to notice various imperfections and especially the skin of our face has a large amount of information printed on it regarding our health.

You should know that there are normal aspects of the skin of our face, but many times there are other clear signs that we are sick and we do not notice them, but it is important to know them so that later it is not too late.

Facial asymmetry: If you notice that your face is paralyzed either in its entirety or in some parts, or you may not smile at all, it may be a case of a stroke and you should be very careful with it. If you feel facial numbness with prolonged pain, go to the doctor as soon as possible.
Swollen bags under the eyes: Usually if you cried this happens, but if that is not the case and this sign is constant, you may have allergies to some food or to an insect bite or a smell that you do not tolerate. If it is accompanied by red eyes, it may be a case of the rupture of blood vessels.

Yellow spots on the eyelids and skin: This is because you have quite high cholesterol levels and the accumulated fat is what makes these yellowish spots. If you see this sign, treat this problem before heart problems, overweight, diabetes or even liver disease develop.
Excess facial hair: In men this is normal, but if you are a woman this can indicate hormonal problems. This hairiness usually appears on the chin, upper lips, and cheeks. It can also indicate polycystic ovary syndrome.

Flaky lips and dry skin: This can be understood as dehydration or it can also mean high blood sugar levels. You may also notice problems with healing. It can even be related to the thyroid if you have this characteristic on your face.
It never hurts to have a check-up with your trusted doctor, so don’t hesitate to do so.
Thank you for reading us.