
This water is drunk once a day, and dries all the belly fat, just boil it for ten minutes.

By Lilias

The human body must have a specific percentage of fat according to its gender or at least this is what the experts say, that is to say that there is no body totally free of fat. Clearly this percentage of fat that the body must contain is not even perceived. When the fat begins to be noticed it is very likely that we are already above the percentage,

INGREDIENTS: ginger to taste, spinach to taste, one lemon, one glass of water, PREPARATION METHOD: the first thing we have to do is get a blender, then add the glass of water, ginger, and spinach, all chopped into small pieces, then blend for 3 minutes, then add the lemon when it is already served in the glass where you will drink it, just mix it very well.

try to know the cause of your stress and reduce it. This is not only important for losing weight, it is decisive for your well-being. You can also follow a diet that balances the hormonal changes caused by stress: eat little and slowly. Stress and excess weight often go hand in hand, so you will have to attack both at the same time.

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