
Mix alcohol with hot water, save a lot: the secret of our grandmothers

By Lilias

Grandmothers keep many secrets, one of them is to mix alcohol and hot water to get this: try it now.

The  secrets and natural remedies  passed on to us by grandmothers are very important, precisely because we realise that in such a fast-paced and technological world, many problems can be solved in a short time and with very little money. In this case, it will be enough to take out a packet of  alcohol  and then have  hot water available  to dissolve and disinfect without spending money or asking for help from professionals in the sector.

Alcohol and hot water: what are they used for together?

Alcohol and hot water together can do wonders, and it is precisely grandmothers who talk about this inexpensive remedy, with a  product that is always found  in the cupboards of the house. It is usually used to sanitize, clean and eliminate all traces of germs or bacteria that proliferate.

A product that is  used naturally on glass and surfaces  , or diluted with water to make its degreasing action even more powerful.

In this specific case it is necessary to fill the sink with hot water, then pour a few drops of alcohol, allowing the two elements to mix  .

At this point, insert the air conditioning filters into this hot mixture, which should be washed and disinfected properly at least once  every six months.  It is the fastest and most powerful way to eliminate germs and bacteria, completely sanitizing them.

It goes without saying that alcohol has always been a product with direct antibacterial action, which does not damage air conditioning filters. These filters  should be left for at least 30 minutes  in alcohol and hot water, and then left to dry in the sun.

Finally, apply a  special disinfectant  to the air conditioning filter before reassembling it.

What are other uses of alcohol around the house?

Alcohol can be consumed in  many ways  at home, including:

  • Thorough cleaning of the bathroom  by placing it in a steamer with hot water. A single spray on sanitary ware – tiles and porcelain stoneware to completely eliminate germs and bacteria;
  • You can also add white wine vinegar to the mixture to thoroughly clean the stainless steel of  taps and sinks  in the bathroom or kitchen. Rinse well with running water;
  • If there are any  grout residues left,  simply moisten the affected areas with a little alcohol. Leave it to act and then rub with a cloth, rinsing with warm water.
  • An  important antibacterial product  that can also be used on the keyboard of your mobile phone, obviously taking care to use a clean cloth and not to pour the solution directly on it. On the contrary, never pass it over the screen;
  • Last but not least, alcohol is a  popular surface degreaser  . In fact, the solution with hot water can also be used on floors, removing all traces of grease, dirt, bacteria and germs brought in by shoes or four-legged friends.