
Homemade syrup to put an end to constipation

By Lilias

Constipation is one of the health problems that most of us have in common, but that few of us talk about because it is so embarrassing to admit that we cannot go to the bathroom normally. However, the sooner we talk about it with the right person, the sooner we can put an end to this common complaint.

But, we cannot force you to discuss this topic with your doctor. But, we do want to share with you the recipe for one of the simplest and most effective natural solutions to help put an end to constipation naturally without leaving home and without having to require the help of an expert.

Next, I am going to show you all the steps you need to follow to prepare this excellent homemade laxative. Make sure you follow our instructions to the letter if you really want to obtain positive and effective results. That said, and without further ado, let’s learn the steps to follow.

Steps to prepare a homemade natural laxative
Ingredients you will need:

– Ten prunes.

– The juice of one lemon.

– Half a glass of water, 100 ml.

Preparation and consumption:

Place each and every one of the ingredients in the blender and process them until they are homogeneously mixed. Then, pour the mixture into a glass jar with an airtight seal. Finally, store the product in the refrigerator until you use it.

Ideally, you should consume three tablespoons of the product on an empty stomach, three tablespoons mid-morning, and another two tablespoons before going to sleep. If your constipation is chronic, consume a higher dose. Note: To prevent constipation, consume 3 tablespoons a day.

Disclaimer: The health information published on this website is intended for educational purposes only. The editorial team strongly recommends that you always consult with licensed physicians or other qualified professionals for any health-related questions.