
Trick to prevent your cat from urinating everywhere inside your house

By Lilias

If we have pets at home, we know very well that one of the challenges is teaching them or marking where they can and cannot do their business. It is a matter that must be given due attention, otherwise we will get unpleasant surprises, since cat urine usually smells very strong.

When referring to felines, the key is that they do not do their business everywhere in the house, fortunately there is a trick to prevent our kitten from obeying us. In fact, felines are more territorial than we think, which is why we must take measures.

Remember, cat urine is very penetrating and strongly unpleasant, it can even leave stains on furniture, the kitchen, among other places. But the most serious thing about this situation is that diseases can be transmitted through urine and feces.

Therefore, it is not a topic to be taken lightly, we must prevent our cat from urinating in all the rooms of the home.

Let’s see below a highly effective trick that will not fail.

Maybe we do not understand our cat’s behavior, even if it has its own place with the sanitary stones, it still behaves in rebellion. Let’s try this method:

1 Cup of white vinegar
1 Cup of water
1 Spray bottle

We start by mixing the cup of white vinegar with the cup of water in a container.
Next step, we pour the mixture into the spray bottle.
Finally, we are going to spray generously in all the areas where our cat urinated to prevent it from settling there.
Let’s try this homemade and natural solution, because it is not harmful to the health of felines and ours!

A recommendation to prevent our cat from urinating throughout the house could be to place several litter boxes, especially if there is more than one cat in our home. It has been proven that they also get stressed and acquire certain rebellious behaviors.

According to experts in this type of behavior, they say that when they go outside with other stray cats, they return home with more stress. One suggestion, as far as possible for a feline, is to try to keep it from going outside for some time until it adapts to the rules of the home.

As a final tip, we could buy our pet some toys so that it can entertain itself in its litter box and feel that it is its place there, it will stay busy.