
Soft meatballs without meat: a tasty dish with 80 calories!

By liliaturcin5

Soft meatballs without meat: a tasty dish with 80 calories!

Meatballs what a passion! Yes, of course, but not meat sun. They are also delicious with vegetables.

Like for example these that we present to you below, which are made with potatoes, breadcrumbs and a delicious vegetable mixture. A wonder with only 80 calories per serving.


Let’s see how they prepare.

Soft meatless meatballs: a side dish with only 80 calories!

The ingredients

For twenty-five meatballs you need these ingredients: 200 grams of breadcrumbs; 100 grams of grated sweet provola (the smoked one can be fine too); 100 grams of grated Parmesan; three organic eggs; three boiled and mashed potatoes; 100 grams of chopped vegetables; an egg white; a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil; chives to taste; parsley to taste; nutmeg to taste; Salt to taste

The preparation

The first thing is to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. In the meantime, take a baking tray and line the bottom with baking paper, then wetting it with a couple of spoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil.

Now put the potatoes in a fairly large bowl, then add two eggs and the chopped vegetables, then mix everything vigorously with a fork.

Now the Parmesan and the provola are incorporated, after which the mixture is carefully mixed again.

After mixing a little more, add the chives, parsley, nutmeg, salt and breadcrumbs. In case you will have to stretch everything with a little milk, if the mixture should be too dry.


At this point you can start shaping the meatballs: take a little bit of dough and give it more or less the shape and size of a walnut or so with your hands. Naturally this goes on until there is dough to be used.

After having crushed them a little, our meatballs should be placed on the bottom of the aforementioned pan, after which they are moistened with a drizzle of oil and seasoned with salt.

At this point all that remains is to put them in the oven at 200 degrees for 25 minutes. You can turn on the grill during the last five minutes of cooking.

As a guideline, the meatballs are cooked when they take on a nice and captivating browning.

Enjoy your meal!

Preparation time: twenty minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: about 25 meatballs
Calories: about 80 per meatball
