
Colon Waste CleanseLearn how to remove waste from your colon and leave it empty and clean. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW

By Lilias

When you eat, the digestive process separates food from waste. Once the separation is done, the body keeps the food and sends the waste to the colon. Although this body serves to remove garbage, its occupation is very important.

If the colon does not work well, the body will begin to store waste. This can cause internal poisoning that leads to death itself. That is why it is so important that we take care of the colon and pay attention to its work.

Throughout our lives, the body processes 100 tons of food and 40 thousand liters of liquids. This means that around 7 kilos of waste accumulate in the intestine. If it is not expelled properly, it can cause serious damage to the body and poison the blood.

RECIPE TO CLEANSE THE COLON AND LEAVE IT CLEAN, Ingredients: juice of 2 lemons 1 aloe vera leaf, honey optional, preparation and use the first step is to peel the aloe vera to stay only with the gel, after peeling the aloe wash it, now in a blender you should put the lemon juice, honey and aloe, then mix everything very well, this powerful drink should be consumed once a day for two weeks, in that time if you do it frequently your colon will be very clean. Thank you for viewing our recipes share them with friends and family