
What happens when you eat banana

By Lilias

The banana is one of the favorite fruits of the Spanish. Its per capita consumption in 2019 was 13.8 kg per year – only surpassed by oranges (17.3 kg) and melons and watermelons (17.8 kg) – and rising (13%) compared to 2019, as stated in the Food Report in Spain 2020. The truth is that, regardless of the flavor, it has many points in its favor: it is cheap, versatile, easy to peel and eat, and it is loaded with nutrients. Therefore, it is not strange that many people reach for a banana at breakfast time to charge up with energy without wasting too much time.

Followers of this custom argue that it is low in calories (89 in 100 g), high in carbohydrates (20 g), sufficient dietary fibre (3.4 g), vitamins A and C, as well as folates and minerals, especially potassium (350 mg) – essential for muscles to contract and maintain heart rate -, magnesium (38 mg) – which influences musculoskeletal health and the immune system – and phosphorus (28 mg) – for healthy teeth (it also plays a role in kidney health).