

By Lilias

When we have gained some weight, the first thing we want is to get rid of it at all costs and that is why we even stop eating and giving ourselves those treats to regain our slim figure, but this is often an uphill battle.
As you well know, there are many ways or, rather, methods, that we can use to get rid of those extra kilos that bother us so much and among all of these we have diets and of course the hated exercises.

Although we hate doing exercises, this helps us, and eating healthy therefore also has its benefits, which you can enhance as long as you put into practice the consumption of a drink that we will show you today.

In today’s post you will learn about a wonderful drink and also very simple to make that will bring you benefits and will also help you lose weight quickly and easily without giving you a bad life, so keep reading this post and find out what it is about.


Losing weight can be a nightmare as it requires a lot of effort, we must do this and that to regain that slim figure that we long for or that we previously had and have now lost.
There are many people who say that they feel totally frustrated when they are carrying those extra kilos as they feel like they are being consumed, we get more tired and of course our clothes no longer fit us and we really hate that.
To avoid this today we bring you a recipe that is even endorsed by the University of Loughborough, who in an investigation observed that athletes who eat complex carbohydrates such as oats for breakfast and lunch burn much more fat, something that demonstrates the benefits of oat water.

So that you can take advantage of these benefits today we will talk more about oats and teach you how to prepare oat water to lose weight.
Among the benefits of oat water we have:
It contains beta-glucans, soluble fiber and polyphenols that are antioxidants

It stabilizes blood sugar levels
It gives you that feeling of satiety, leveling your appetite and reducing food consumption outside of normal hours.
It helps you improve intestinal transit so you will also say goodbye to constipation.

Improves athletic performance by changing metabolism
To prepare it, you will only need the following ingredients:

1 cup of whole organic oats, preferably gluten-free

1 tablespoon of vanilla essence

6 to 8 cups of clean, pure water

1 cinnamon stick or 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
Stevia powder, not white, or pure, organic honey, to taste

Ice to taste
Preparation and consumption

First, soak the oats in water for about 7 hours, or overnight, and the next morning strain the oats to clean them and free them from the enzyme inhibitors released during soaking. Wash them very well and drain them.
Once ready, add them to the blender along with the stevia or honey, add the vanilla and cinnamon, if it is powdered, and blend until you get a thick shake.