
If you put this item in the washing machine, your shoes will regain their original shine.

By Lesia

While machine washing is a practical method for maintaining your shoes, it is essential to know which types of shoes are suitable for this technique, as well as which ones to avoid. Discover our tips and advice for optimal results when machine washing your shoes.

Which shoes should not be machine washed?
Shoes get dirty every day, but not all of them can benefit from a machine wash:

Delicate materials such as suede or leather are not suitable for this method.
Likewise, shoes decorated with studs, sequins or other fragile details should not be subjected to this aquatic adventure.
Heels, membrane shoes and those glued by hand or by a professional should also be excluded from machine washing.
If you put this item in the washing machine, your shoes will regain their original shine.

For hassle-free cleaning, some shoes are ideal for machine washing, especially fabric shoes such as canvas sneakers, Converse, fleece slippers like Bensimon or Pataugas, and even some hiking boots. It is preferable if they are sewn rather than glued. Be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions inside each pair to ensure that your shoes can withstand this treatment.

Our advice for washing your shoes in the washing machine

Before placing your shoes in the washing machine, carefully remove the laces and insoles for an optimal wash.

Opt for the lowest temperature (30°C) and spin speed (400 revolutions per minute maximum) to preserve the quality of your shoes.

Use conventional washing products, but avoid fabric softener, which can alter certain materials.

Add a towel to protect your shoes from knocks and friction.

Our tips for drying your shoes

After washing, carefully remove your shoes and let them air dry at room temperature.

Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, radiators or tumble dryers, which could compromise their integrity.

For extra protection, invest in special shoe washing bags.