
How to make homemade lemon, vinegar and alcohol soap without caustic soda!

By Lesia

Making homemade lemon soap: Easy and natural recipe
Soap is a hygiene product that we use several times a week and lately it no longer has the quality it had before, which causes some stains on clothes, a different color and a somewhat damaged fabric.

Ingredients needed
1 liter of cold water
2 bars of glycerin soap
50 ml of alcohol
10 tablespoons of regular sugar
6 tablespoons of soap powder
Zest of 3 lemons
50 ml of alcohol vinegar
In a saucepan, bring the liter of water to the boil with the lemon zest. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes so that the water absorbs all the aroma.

Meanwhile, grate the 2 bars of soap.

After 5 minutes, remove the zest from the water, lower the heat and gradually add the soap zest. Stir constantly while adding the zest so that they mix perfectly, although it may take a while for them to melt well, so be patient.

After 20 minutes, add the soap powder and continue mixing.

Once the soap powder is dissolved, add the 10 tablespoons of sugar while continuing to mix.

Finally, add the alcohol and vinegar. At this point, you can add any coloring you like, I recommend yellow or green.

Turn off the heat and pour the contents into a soap mold or any container you have on hand. Once 6 hours have passed, you can cut and shape it as you wish.

Before using the soap, let it sit for about 5 days so that it is completely hardened.

And there you have it! You can now use your homemade lemon soap, try it with any type of clothing, whether black or colored.