
It grows all around us, we step on it all the time but we ignore its benefits

By Lesia
  • Plant: Plantago (Plantago Ianceolata and Plantago major)
  • Unknown plant that grows in gardens, often considered a weed.
  • Benefits of Plantago:
    1- Heals wounds and burns.
    2- Treats dermatitis and acne.
    3- Relieves respiratory infections and reduces inflammation in mucous membranes and throat.
    4- Can help with stomach pain, ulcers, hemorrhoids and bladder infections.
    5- Regenerates damaged tissues.
    6- Rich in vitamins A, C and K, as well as minerals such as calcium and potassium.
  • Active ingredients:
    1-Allantoin: Regenerates tissues.
    2-Aucubin: Antimicrobial agent.
  • External use:
    1- Place leaves directly on the skin for cuts, scrapes, burns and dermatitis.
    2- Macerate the leaves and apply on the affected area.
  • Internal use:
    1- Prepare plantain tea:
    2- Cut the leaves into pieces, wash and leave in hot water for 30 minutes.
    3- Strain and drink after the main meal.
    4- Prepare plantain syrup or juice:
    5- Cook or squeeze the leaves.
  • Consumption in salads:
    1- The leaves can be used in salads during their season, from March to June.
  • Recognition of the plant:
    1- Wide leaves in the female version and narrow leaves in the male version.
    2- Pronounced leaf vein and elongated inflorescences.
    3- Grows in meadows and along roadsides in large groups.
    4- Important note: Consult an expert or doctor before using the plant to ensure its correct identification and safe use.