
Tulle, this is how it is bleached so that it is perfectly white and cleanIngredients Needed:

By Lesia

Ingredients Needed:

  • 2 aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid tablets
  • Baking soda (1 tablespoon)
  • Gel detergent (1 small glass)
    -Prepare the Tulle for Washing:
    1- Place the tulle in the washing machine.
    2- Add two aspirin tablets inside the washing machine, between the pieces of tulle.
    -Add Baking Soda:
    1- Place a large spoonful of baking soda in the pre-wash compartment of the washing machine.
    -Add the Detergent:
    1- Add the gel detergent in the main compartment of the washing machine.
    -Set the Washing Machine:
    1- Select the program for synthetic fabrics.
    2- Set the temperature to 30 degrees Celsius.
    3- Activate the pre-wash option to ensure that the baking soda removes all the dirt and the tulle regains its original white color.
    Benefits of the Method:
    1- Effectiveness: The combination of aspirin and baking soda helps to remove stains and restore the white color of the tulle.
    2- Softness: This method is gentle and avoids damaging the fabric.
    3- Simplicity: The ingredients are easy to find and the process is simple to follow.
    Additional Tips:
    1- Remove Immediately: Once the wash cycle is complete, remove the tulle from the washing machine immediately to prevent it from wrinkling.
    2- Drying: Put the tulle back in its place immediately after washing.
    Final Result:
  • After following these steps, you will notice that the tulle will not only be perfectly clean and white, but it will also have a pleasant aroma. This method ensures that the tulle will be as good as new, without the need for harsh chemicals or complicated methods. Your tulle will look impeccable and shiny.