
11 Things to Do with a Banana Peel Instead of Throwing It Away

By Lesia

Banana is one of the world’s favorite fruits, with a delicious taste and many health benefits. But what you probably don’t know is that its peel can have multiple uses. So, don’t throw away your banana peels anymore, find out how to use them! And of course, we use organic bananas.

  1. Get Rid of Warts

Are you tired of your warts? There are, of course, homemade methods to get rid of them, but did you know that a banana peel does the same? Simply cut off a piece of banana peel, and cover the wart area with it. Secure the banana peel in place, and leave it overnight. Repeat until your wart disappears.

  1. They Whiten Your Teeth

If you want whiter teeth, rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth for two minutes, and let it sit for ten minutes. Do this before brushing your teeth. Make sure to choose a ripe banana.

  1. They Tenderize Meat

Since banana peels make great compost, they also make great fertilizer for roses.

  1. They Relieve Mosquito Bites

Although not scientifically proven, people say that using banana peels on their mosquito bites helps relieve swelling and itching.

  1. They Remove Splinters

If you have a small splinter problem, you can place a banana peel directly on the affected area, and leave it on overnight. This will soften your skin, making it easier to remove the splinter.

  1. They Treat Acne

Do you have acne problems? Rub the inside of a banana peel on your face for ten minutes, and let it sit for a few moments. Do not rinse your face immediately, to let the banana peel do its job.

  1. They make your shoes shine

If you run out of shoe polish, simply rub the inside of a banana peel on your leather shoes, then wipe with a clean cloth. Guaranteed shine!

  1. They reduce the appearance of wrinkles

Make banana peels part of your beauty routine. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, they prevent wrinkles. Rub the inside of a banana peel on your wrinkles, and watch its miracles on your skin.

  1. They make silver shine

Since banana peels make your leather shoes shine, why not your silverware? Simply mix banana peels with water, and use them to make your cutlery shine…

  1. They control aphids

Cut off a few banana peels and place them near your plants. Aphids apparently hate banana peels.

  1. They make bruises disappear

If you have bruises, you can quickly make them disappear by rubbing a banana peel on them, and leaving it overnight.