
An airy and layered dish that simply melts in your mouth!

By liliaturcin5

Pain Brioche is a simple but delicious preparation made from leavened dough: fine, fluffy, with a pleasant buttery aroma. You can add various fillings to his dough, such as candied fruits, raisins or other dried fruits. Let’s prepare this delicacy together!


For the dough:

-600-670 g of flour;

-250 ml of milk;

-2 eggs;

-25 g of fresh yeast or 8-10 g of dry yeast;

-100 g of sugar;

-7 g of vanilla sugar;

-a pinch of salt;

-100 g of butter.


– an egg — for greasing the dishes before baking;

– a mixture of seeds (to taste) — for sprinkling dishes before baking.


1. Prepare the batter: mix the warm milk, a spoonful of sugar, the crumbled yeast and 2 spoons of sifted flour in a suitable bowl.

2. Let the sourdough leaven for 15 minutes, until it is covered with the characteristic foamy “cap”, in a warm place.

3. Prepare the dough: put the eggs, remaining caster sugar, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt in a deep bowl. Mix well with whisk.

4. Add the very soft butter (you can melt it a little in the microwave). Stir.

5. Add the breadcrumbs. Stir.

6. Gradually add the sifted flour (the amount required may vary, depending on its quality). Initially, mix the dough with a spatula or spoon, and then transfer it to the table and knead it well with your hands (during 7-10 minutes). It should be homogeneous, soft and slightly sticky (be careful not to soak it with too much flour).

7. Shape the dough into a ball and place it in a deep bowl. Cover it with cling film and let it rise for 1-1.5 hours in a warm place.

8. Shape the dishes: knead the leavened dough slightly, then divide it into 2 equal or unequal parts, depending on the size of your shapes (for the cake).

9. Divide each part of the dough into 3 equal parts. Shape them into balls and then roll them into bars.

10. Join the ends of the 3 sticks obtained and braid them. Finally join the opposite ends.

11. Transfer the obtained preparation to a cake tray. If it’s silicone, you can use it as is or dust it with flour. If it is metal, line the bottom with parchment paper.

12. Cover the Pain Brioches with cling film or a clean kitchen towel and let them “rest” for 30-40 minutes.

13. Then brush them with beaten egg using the silicone brush and sprinkle them with the seed mixture.

14. Bake them for 10 minutes in the oven preheated to 190 °C. Then reduce the temperature to 180°C and continue to bake them for another 10-15 minutes, until they are browned and ready.

15. Transfer them to the wire rack and let them cool completely.

16. Slice them and serve them with jam or butter, along with an aromatic cup of tea.

17. Keep the Bread-Brioche in a plastic bag, so that it does not dry out.

We wish you good appetite with your loved ones!