
Two apples and a cup of milk: the dessert that is made in 10 minutes. Only 180 calories!

By liliaturcin5

Two apples and a cup of milk: the French dessert that is made in 10 minutes. Only 180 calories!

Have you decided to stop with sweets? Commendable intention, but is it a realistic commitment? How long do you think you can go without your daily dose of sugar?

But there is a way to remain friends of the scales without giving up on taste. For example with this very simple French recipe that combines speed, taste and delicacy.


It makes almost nothing more than two apples and a cup of milk.

Let’s see it.

Two apples and a cup of milk: the French dessert that is made in 10 minutes. Only 180 calories!

The ingredients

For six people we will need: 250 milliliters of milk; 100 grams of flour; 20 grams of oil; 10 grams of stevia or twice as much regular sugar; five eggs; two apples; cinnamon to taste; powdered sugar as needed.

The preparation

The first thing is to rinse the apples, then peel them and cut them into cubes of about two centimeters on each side, then put them in a non-stick pan with a drizzle of oil and brown them for ten minutes.

Then the eggs are broken by separating the whites from the yolks. The egg whites will be whipped in firm snow: you know they’re good when you lift the whisks and they stay stuck.

Whip the whites, we dedicate ourselves to the reds: they are worked with a whisk while the milk is slowly poured in and then the flour, stevia and cinnamon are added. When this mixture acquires a light and frothy consistency, add the egg whites mentioned above, slowly turning from bottom to top.


Incorporate the egg whites, the mixture obtained is poured into the pan with the apples and leveled with a spatula, then covered and cooked over medium-low heat for five minutes, then turned to the other side and cooked go for another 5 minutes.

Once this omelette is ready, it should be cooled and placed on a plate, then if desired, it can be garnished with sugar and served.

Enjoy your meal!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 6
Calories: 180 per slice