
KFC Style Chicken

By liliaturcin5

Find out how to make KFC-style chicken, to be served hot with sautéed vegetables or fries.

1 1.5 kg chicken
1 tbsp. mustard
1 jar of plain yogurt (125 g)
salt and pepper
2 tbsp butter and 1 egg
Mix the mustard, salt, pepper and plain yogurt in a bowl.
Add the egg to the mixture and mix together.
Wash the chicken, remove the skin and cut into pieces. Marinate them in the sauce for 2 hours in the refrigerator (preferably overnight).
Coat chicken pieces with breadcrumbs.
Pour the remaining marinade into a baking dish. Arrange the chicken pieces and spread dabs of butter on top.
Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 30 minutes until the chicken pieces are brown.
Serve hot with sautéed vegetables or French fries.
Good preparation.