
Turkish Bread: The Most Delicious and Easiest Bread You Will Ever Make!

By liliaturcin5

Turkish bread is the easiest bread you’ll make because it requires no kneading, just mixing the ingredients and then shaping it. This bread recipe is so light and airy. Here’s how to make it in no time!

500 g (1 pound) flour
150 mL (5 fl. oz.) warm milk
150 ml (5 fl. oz.) warm water
1 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons dry yeast
3 tablespoons of olive oil
Chopped parsley
Chili flakes
Whisk the flour with the salt and the yeast. Add the warm water and milk and knead until the liquids are absorbed.
Add the olive oil and knead until the dough is smooth (about 10 minutes).
When the dough has finished rising, cut it into 6 pieces and roll each piece into a ball.
Roll out each flatbread and place on a preheated skillet over medium-high heat.
Cook for 5-6 minutes (2.5-3 minutes per side).
When you flip each flatbread over, it should form a pocket in the middle.
Brush each hot flatbread with oil, then top with parsley and chili flakes.er the dough into a ball, cover with vegetable oil and set aside in a warm place for 1 hour or until doubled in size.