
Recipe for vanilla ice cream

By liliaturcin5
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 150gr sugar
    -350ml whole milk (raw farm milk is even better)
  • 200ml 35-40% cream
  • Vanilla (pod, extract, etc.)


  • Start by making a custard with the yolks, sugar and milk.
  • Heat the milk with the vanilla.
  • While the milk is heating, make a ribbon with the egg yolks and sugar, i.e. beat the yolks and sugar with a whisk until the mixture whitens and becomes frothy.
  • When the milk boils, pour it over the ribbon while whisking to prevent the egg yolks from cooking.
  • Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and heat over low heat, swapping the whisk for a spatula and cooking the custard “à la nappe”.
  • To “cook à la nappe” means to heat the custard without cooking it, so you never stop stirring with a spatula. When the custard has thickened, you check its texture by making a line with your finger on your spatula, a little wet with the custard, to remove some of the cream. If the cream runs over the line, continue cooking; if it holds together, it’s fine.
    If you have a thermometer, it’s ready at 82°C.
  • Chill the custard for at least 4 hours. I often leave it overnight in the fridge.
  • Whip the crème fraîche and fold into the custard.
  • Strain into an ice-cream maker or pour into a mold to make your own homemade magnum.

Enjoy your preparation