
Orange treats: if you have oranges, this dessert is done in a minute!

By liliaturcin5

Orange treats: if you have oranges, this dessert is done in a minute!

As strange and unusual as it may sound, superfine desserts can also be prepared with oranges. Like for example these fabulous morsels that can be swallowed in one bite and with a fresh and citrusy taste.

Try them, it will be a memorable experience!


The ingredients

To put this delicacy on the table we need: 120 grams of cornstarch (cornstarch); 10 grams of butter; 240 milliliters of orange juice; two ounces of sugar; the grated zest of an orange; just enough salt.

The preparation

First you need to grate the peel of an orange and then set it aside. Then the oranges are squeezed to obtain the juice we need to prepare the recipe (240 millilitres).

The juice we have obtained is then filtered with the help of a sieve and then poured into a pan. Add the sugar, the grated rind and the cornstarch and mix the ingredients with a hand whisk. When the cornstarch has completely dissolved, bring the pan to a gentle flame and continue working with the whisk.

Add a pinch of salt when the liquid starts to boil and finally add the butter. We continue to work with the whisk until the butter is completely incorporated, after which we continue with a spatula. We mix until we obtain a kind of dough which we then transfer into a loaf pan that we have lined with parchment paper.

We level with the spatula and let it rest in the fridge for a few hours.


After the rest time, the loaf is placed on a pastry board and the baking paper is removed. Then the dough is cut to create many medium-sized cubes. It is important that they are all more or less the same size.

When we have shaped all our orange cubes, we pass them each in sugar and then serve them on the table.

Enjoy your meal!