
The correct recipe for parjoale — fine and juicy!!!

By liliaturcin5

Probably all experienced housewives know how to cook a roast! However, today we want to give you the recipe for some fine and delicious stews, which can be of great help to novice housewives!


-500 g of meat;

-200 g of bread core soaked in water and squeezed;

-90 g of onion;

-2 cloves of garlic;

-2 teaspoons of salt;

-a teaspoon of ground black pepper;

-100 ml of water;

– flour — for rolling;

– oil — for frying.


1. Take 4 large slices of bread and remove the crust. Place the remaining core in a bowl and cover with water. After it has completely softened, squeeze it with your hands and weigh it. You need to get 200 g (ideally the amount of soaked and squeezed bread should represent 40% of the composition of the logs).

2. Pass the meat, onion, garlic cloves and squeezed bread through the meat grinder.

3. Add salt, ground black pepper and water. Knead the meat mixture with your hands.

4. After it becomes somewhat homogeneous, beat it against the walls of the bowl. In this way the water penetrates the meat and the proteins are released. Minced meat becomes lighter in color and takes on a pasty consistency.

5.Moistening your hands with water, shape the embers from the resulting composition. Place them on a silicone surface or wet chopper.

6. Roll each roast in flour.

7.Fry the scallions in hot oil, over moderate heat, on both sides, until they are brown. The roasts will increase in volume during roasting. Therefore, turn them several times from one side to the other, simultaneously adjusting the intensity of the fire.

8. Serve the roasts with your favorite side dish!

We wish you good appetite with your loved ones!