
Cake with mascarpone cream and cherries “Savoarea”!

By liliaturcin5

A tasty and attractive dessert! Prepare it and enjoy its wonderful taste!


For the sponge cake:

-150 g of flour;

-150 g of sugar;

-3 eggs.

For the cream:

-250 ml of cream for whipped cream 33% (at room temperature);

-250 g of mascarpone (at room temperature);

-150 g of sugar.


-100 g of milk chocolate;

-2 glasses of canned cherries, pitted (the volume of the glass used is 250 ml);

-150 ml of cherry compote — for syruping the sponge cake.

You can use frozen cherries instead of canned ones, but after thawing they must be boiled with a little sugar. Otherwise they are too sour and spoil the taste of the cake.


1. Prepare the sponge cake: beat the eggs with the mixer on high speed until they become foamy. Then gradually add the sugar to them and continue to mix them for 8-9 minutes, until they become fluffy, voluminous and whitish: the beaters of the mixer should leave persistent marks on their surface.

2. Gradually incorporate (in 4-5 steps) the sifted flour into the egg foam, mixing with the spatula, through quick, circular movements, directed from the bottom up.

3. Transfer the obtained dough to a round pan, with removable walls and bottom lined with baking paper, greased with butter. Spread it evenly.

4. Bake the sponge cake for about 25 minutes in the oven preheated to 160 °C. Check it’s done by the toothpick test.

5. Let it cool a little in the pan, then separate it from its walls with the help of a thin knife and take it out of it. Let it cool completely.

6. Prepare the fruit: transfer the cherries from the compote to a strainer to separate them from the compote. Press them a little with the spoon to partially dry them.

7. Prepare the cream: beat the whipping cream with the mixer until persistent peaks appear, gradually adding the sugar.

8.Add the cream cheese. Mix with a spoon or mixer on low speed until smooth.

9. Assemble the cake: put the top back in the pan, in which you baked it, or on a tray delimited by an adjustable ring. Soak it in cherry compote, using the spoon (you can adjust the amount of compote according to your taste).

10. Spread the cherries on the syrupy top, covering it completely.

11. Spread the mascarpone cream evenly on the cherry layer.

12. Sprinkle the chocolate given through the large grater on the surface of the cake.

13. Put the cake in the fridge for a few hours to harden.

14.Then carefully separate it from the walls of the ring, using a thin knife (to separate it easier, you can line the walls of the ring with acetate foil). Remove this and, if necessary, transfer the cake to a plate.

15. Portion it and serve it with pleasure! It is soft, moist and delicious. It has a pleasant milky taste, complemented by sweet-sour cherries.

We wish you good appetite with your loved ones!