
Aubergine rolls with scamorza cheese and tomato: light and delicious dish!

By liliaturcin5

Aubergine rolls with scamorza cheese and tomato: Very light and delicious!

The time has come to prepare a dish that will delight or rather inebriate the palate of your guests! These are eggplant rolls with tomato sauce. Easy to prepare and quick to cook, they will take you very little time, giving you a superb dish. Below you will find the list of ingredients you will need and the procedure to implement this fabulous recipe.


Aubergine rolls with scamorza cheese and tomato: Very light and delicious!


  • 3 tablespoons Extra virgin olive oil
  • 150 Cooked ham
  • a sprig of basil
  • 1 black oval aubergine
  • 1 clove Garlic
  • 200 g pureed datterini tomatoes
  • 60 g  grated Parmesan
  • 120 Scamorza
  • Sale q.b.


Put a non-stick pan on the heat with a drizzle of oil and fry a clove of garlic, once it has reached the golden colour, remove it and pour the tomato, add a few leaves of basil and salt. Cook for about twenty minutes proceeding over low heat and putting the lid on.

Now take the aubergine and cut it into medium-thick slices and grill them on the plate you previously lit. Once they are all grilled, let them cool and now turn off the tomato too , which has now reached the right degree of cooking.

Now take a slice of aubergine and stuff it with a slice of provola and one of ham, then gently roll it up on itself, fixing the final point with a toothpick. Do the same thing for all the other slices, until you finish them.

Once this operation is finished, place the aubergine rolls in the pan with the tomato and continue cooking. Leave everything on the heat for a few minutes or at least until the provolone in the rolls has melted. Now is the time to taste this freshly prepared dish . First, however, sprinkle the surface with grated Parmesan. If you want a light crust, you can also pass the rolls under the grill for 5 minutes.

You can serve the aubergines on a plate to your guests , adding a few scented basil leaves to each portion, which further enhances the aroma of these delicious rolls. Enjoy your meal.