
Mini Batbouts Stuffed with Minced Meat

By Vitia

Mini batbouts stuffed with minced meat, you can garnish them as you wish. They are eaten both hot and cold. Enjoy your food.


  • 150g flour
  • 550g fine semolina
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 and a half teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 and a half tablespoons dry baker’s yeast
  • 255g milk
  • 230g slightly lukewarm water


  1. In the bowl of the robot put the semolina, the flour and the salt then mix.
  2. Add olive oil, yeast, milk.
  3. Start the kneading by adding water little by little, the kneading lasts 15 minutes, the dough will gradually absorb the water and will become very flexible, it will come off the edges of the robot while being sticky to the touch, start the kneading with a low speed then increase gradually.
  4. Cover the dough and let it double in volume for 1h30. After lifting.

Shaping and cooking the Batbouts

  1. Degas the dough on a well-floured work surface and sprinkle it with flour so that it no longer sticks flour your work surface and roll out the dough using a rolling pin to 1 cm thickness, being careful to flour the plan and turn the dough several times and make sure it does not stick.
  2. Using a glass, cut circles of dough and place them on a tray sprinkled with a mixture of flour and semolina.
  3. Do the same with the rest of the dough.
  4. Cover the buns and let them rise a little, just let them puff up slightly.
  5. Cook them on both sides on a lightly oiled frying pan to obtain a nice golden color.
  6. Repeat the operation to bake the remaining bread.
  7. Once the batbouts have cooled, open them halfway and stuff them with the minced meat mixture (my leftover Bolognese sauce…).
  8. I took the opportunity to vary the tastes by stuffing them with curry sausages, a delight.
  9. They are eaten both hot and cold. Enjoy your food !