
A Simple Tip To Bring Crispy Back To Your Stale Bread

By liliaturcin5

A hard-as-wood loaf or baguette may not end up in the trash or in a French toast recipe. There is a quick and easy technique to give your crust all its crunchiness and your crumb all its softness.


  1. Moisten the bread by running it under running water for a few seconds, without soaking it.
  2. Place the bread in a preheated traditional oven, at a temperature between 150°C and 200°C, for 7 minutes.

Why does it work?

  • The humidity combined with the heat creates steam, has the effect of reinflating not only the crumb of the bread but also allowing the crust to regain its crispness.
  • However, this bread, which has regained its virtues in this way, should be eaten quickly, because it will dry out more quickly than bread.
  • And There you go ! You have transformed your stale bread into fresh bread as if it came from the baker’s.
  • Easy, fast and effective, right? It’s still better than throwing it away and buying more!