
How To Grow Garlic Easily At Home?

By liliaturcin5

Full of nutrients, garlic is a must in Mediterranean cuisine and has many medicinal properties. It is possible to grow it at home to grow endlessly. Here’s how to grow garlic at home the easy way. And in addition, you will have it all year round to flavor your culinary preparations and in the garden, it scares away many pests


  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 pot of 20 cm. deep about
  • potting soil


  1. We start by choosing a head of garlic of the variety you prefer and separating the cloves, but leaving the skin intact.
  2. Then we choose a suitable pot that has a drainage, so that it can evacuate excess water during watering, it is essential.
  3. Next step, we load the pot with enough soil but leaving at least a few centimeters before reaching the edge.
  4. Then we bury the garlic cloves in the pot, at least 10 centimeters deep and with the pointed part up.
  5. In the pot you can put more than one clove of garlic, we must make sure that they are separated by at least 8 centimeters between each other.
  6. Keep in mind that garlic sprouts will start to sprout between 16 and 32 weeks after planting, depending on climate and variety.

Caring for pot-grown garlic

  • Garlic grown in pots or on the ground requires little maintenance.
  • Garlic does not need a lot of water. It should be well watered when planting. Except in case of great drought, it does not need to be watered.
  • Garlic appreciates exposure to the sun.

When to harvest garlic?

  • For a harvest in the summer, plant the garlic in the fall.
  • For a fall garlic crop, plant the garlic in the spring.
  • A few weeks before harvesting, it will be necessary to loosen the garlic and clear the soil around the bulbs so that they dry properly.
  • Tying coarse knots in the leaves that are starting to turn yellow promotes the development of the garlic bulb.