
Extra Soft Baked Semolina Bread

By liliaturcin5


  • 250 g of flour
  • 250 g of fine semolina
  • 30 g fresh yeast or 1 tablespoon dry baker’s yeast
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 3 good tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 250 to 300 ml of lukewarm water (+or- depending on the absorption of the flours)


  1. In a small bowl put 100 ml of lukewarm water, dissolve the baker’s yeast with the sugar then leave to stand until it swells for about 10 minutes, if you are using instant dry yeast, skip this step!
  2. In a large salad bowl or in the bowl of your mixer, pour the flour, the semolina, the salt then mix, dig a well in the center. Add the yeast-warm water-sugar mixture and the olive oil while mixing well, add the remaining 150 ml of warm water little by little until a smooth paste is obtained.
  3. Knead this dough for 10 to 15 minutes until you obtain a soft and smooth dough.
  4. Cover the dough with a clean towel and let it rest for about an hour. From the moment the dough has doubled in volume, crush it well using your fists, several times, so as to release the air.