
White mulberry: cures diabetes, makes you lose weight, relieves headaches and inflammation

By liliaturcin5

Originally from China, and introduced in Europe in the fifteenth century, the white mulberry belongs to the Moraceae family and is mainly grown in Italy and Spain. Both the fruit and the leaves of this plant have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries: they have a sweet and sour taste, and are rich in malic and citric acids, carotenes and vitamin C.

The tree is grown for its wood, while the fruit is mainly used to feed the silkworms. But few people know that its berries can be used to treat many diseases, including hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes. Other benefits of this plant include treating premature aging, hair loss and dizziness.

White mulberry contains compounds that inhibit sugar metabolism in the digestive tract, causing it to be absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream. It is rich in various organic acids and vitamins, but also dietary fiber, beta-carotene, pectin and resins. It also contains various antioxidants and is useful for treating fever, inflammation, headache, cough and diarrhea.

If accompanied by a healthy diet, the consumption of white mulberry helps us keep cholesterol levels under control.

A study carried out by the University of Texas (United States) has shown that white mulberry, rich in resveratrol, can be useful in the fight against cancer and heart disease.

White mulberry regulates blood sugar levels, and thanks to this excellent property it avoids the risk of suffering from diabetes and obesity.

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