
That’s why you need to put a bay leaf in the mop bucket

By liliaturcin5

Cleaning floors is one of the most common household tasks, but is often considered boring and tiring. However, there are innovative ways to simplify this task and achieve amazing results.

One such method is using a bay leaf in the mop bucket when mopping floors. This simple, yet effective trick offers numerous benefits that can revolutionize the way we approach home cleaning.

1. Natural, fresh scent: One of the main reasons to use a bay leaf in your mop bucket is its pleasant scent. Bay leaves give off a natural and fresh smell, which gives the house a feeling of cleanliness and well-being. Unlike commercial cleaning products, which often contain harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances, Laurel offers a gentle, non-invasive scent.

2. Antibacterial Properties: Laurel is known for its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. When bay leaves are soaked in mop bucket water, they release essential oils that can help eliminate germs and bacteria from floors. This is especially beneficial for families with children or pets, as it offers more hygienic and safe cleaning.

3. Insect Deterrent Effect: Another benefit of using bay leaves is their ability to act as natural repellents against unwanted insects such as flies and mosquitoes. The smell of bay leaves repels these pesky guests, keeping your home cleaner and more comfortable. This is especially useful during the warmer seasons, when insects are more present.

4. Polishing action: Laurel can also be a great ally for obtaining shinier floors. Thanks to the essential oils it releases, this leaf has a smoothing effect on the surface of the floor, helping to remove minor stains and leaving a beautiful shiny appearance. This trick is especially effective on tile, wood or laminate floors.

5. Money Saving: Using bay leaves is an economical option for cleaning floors. The leaves are relatively cheap and easily available in many supermarkets or grocery stores. Considering the cost of commercial cleaning products, bay leaves are a more affordable and natural solution.

How to use bay leaves in the mop bucket: Using bay leaves in the mop bucket is simple. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Fill the mop bucket with water.
  2. Add some bay leaves to the water. One or two leaves should be enough for a standard-sized bucket.
  3. Let the bay leaves soften in the water for a few minutes, so they can release their essential oils.
  4. Start washing the floors as you usually do. Bay leaves will release their scent and benefits during cleansing.

In conclusion, placing a bay leaf in the mop bucket can turn the task of cleaning floors into a pleasant and beneficial experience.

With its natural scents, antibacterial properties, ability to repel insects and polishing power, bay leaves provide superior cleaning compared to traditional cleaners.

Trying this method can be a simple way to make home cleaning more effective and rewarding, promoting a healthier and more welcoming environment for the whole family.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.