
Black mulberry: regulates blood pressure, improves vision, prevents cancer and relieves headaches

By liliaturcin5

Originally from Persia, but for centuries widespread throughout the Mediterranean area, the black mulberry is a tasty berry and much appreciated during the summer months. With a sweet and slightly acidic flavour, black mulberry is a very versatile food.

Few people know, however, that black mulberry contains numerous nutrients and antioxidants, which help prevent and treat numerous health conditions. Below we list the main benefits of black mulberry .

Digestion . Black mulberry dietary fiber improves digestion and intestinal transit, preventing constipation, bloating and cramps. Fiber also lowers cholesterol levels.

Circulation . Black mulberry contains high levels of iron, which increases the production of red blood cells and facilitates the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues. The resveratrol contained in black mulberry relaxes blood vessels, improving circulation and regulating blood pressure.

Cancer . Anthocyanins, vitamins A and C and other polyphenolic compounds and phytonutrients give black mulberry powerful anti-tumor properties. This fruit counteracts the damage caused by free radicals.

View . Zeaxanthin from black mulberry reduces oxidative stress in eye cells, preventing retinal damage and conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Anti-inflammatory . Black mulberry leaves have anti-inflammatory properties that are particularly useful against chronic diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis. Black mulberry leaf tea is an effective remedy for headaches.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.