
How to water orchids without rotting the roots: keep them full of flowers

By liliaturcin5

Those who love orchids know how difficult they are to keep alive. Once brought home, orchids usually begin to lose their flowers first, then to rot.

If this has happened to you too, know that it is likely that it was the type of watering that decided the fate of your orchid. Proper watering is the key to making an orchid last for years .

Orchids, like all plants, need the right balance between air, light and water to be able to grow and flower properly. Incorrect watering is one of the main factors why plants die.

Although there is no magic formula for watering orchids , there are precautions to follow to avoid rotting their roots. For example, many times the substrate seems dry on the surface, when it still retains a lot of moisture inside, and by watering we contribute to the plant rotting.

Before watering it is a good idea to weigh the container: a dry substrate will be much lighter.

Insert a wooden stick into the substrate, if it remains dry it means that the time has come to water your orchid.

Another factor to take into account is that the roots of orchids are surrounded by a thin membrane, which quickly absorbs large quantities of water. When the membrane is dry it becomes white, when it is moist it becomes green.

1. Water your orchid by soaking

Just because it is a tropical plant does not mean that the orchid needs a lot of water. Excess moisture can cause the plant to rot or make it vulnerable to fungi.

To water your orchid you can use the soaking method. Immerse the vase in water for 20 minutes, avoiding wetting the leaves. Then let all excess water drain before placing your orchid back in place.

2. Water the orchid using the ice cube method

If you don’t have time to apply the immersion method, you will definitely like this technique.

Place a few ice cubes on the orchid substrate and wait for them to melt completely.

This method allows gradual penetration of the water, thus preventing the orchid from rotting.

Now that you know how to water orchids correctly , apply the methods above to make your plants last much longer.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.