
How to reproduce basil to have an infinite supply

By liliaturcin5

Basil is one of the most popular aromatic plants in the kitchen, a fundamental ingredient in many preparations of our culinary tradition. It also has many healing properties.

We usually buy basil at the supermarket, maybe we bring home a plant or buy it already packaged. However, few people know that reproducing basil at home is really very simple, and allows us to have a healthy and lush plant.

The most common method for growing basil is starting from its seeds, yet it is possible to reproduce a healthy plant through cuttings, i.e. healthy branches that grow from the main stem of the plant.

To begin, cut a cutting, or branch, from the main stem. Ideally the branch will be around 10 centimeters in length.

Remove the leaves from the bottom of the branch, then place it in a glass of clean water. Place it in a temperate, bright corner, but protected from direct sun exposure.

After a few days, the first roots will emerge from the part of the branch submerged in water.

It is important to change the water frequently, at least every two days, to prevent the formation of harmful microorganisms.

You can speed up the rooting of basil by adding a good natural rooting agent, such as the one prepared from sprouted lentils.

Once the roots have grown, you can remove the basil branch that has now become a plant and grow it in the soil. Protect the basil plant from the sun at least for the first week. Basil is a plant that needs a long time to adapt to new light or temperature conditions.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.