
3 tricks to make the phalanx flower all year round

By liliaturcin5

You probably already have one at home, or you have certainly seen it at the home of relatives or friends or in some office: there is a specific reason why the  phalanx  (also called  ribbon ) is so widespread, namely its incredible resistance.

The phalanx is not very demanding in terms of care, can be reproduced easily and grows practically everywhere. However,  making the phalanx flower  is a little more complicated and in this article we suggest 3 tricks to fill it with wonderful flowers.

This wonderful plant has long, narrow, ribbon-shaped leaves that arise from a central point. Their color is green with white or yellow lines, and they can easily reach 60 centimeters in height.

Although it is a long-lived plant, to make it flourish it is necessary to adopt the right care. The  flowers of the phalanx  are white, star-shaped, and arise on the ends of its stems. If you don’t want to miss the  flowering of the phalanx , follow the three tips we suggest below.

1. How to water the phalanx to make it flower

Watering is very important for the health of the phalanx as much as for its flowering. A correct degree of humidity in the soil activates the flowering of the phalanx and the abundance of the flowers depends on it.

Water the phalanx with a generous amount of water once a week. To avoid rotting the roots you can divide the same amount of water in two, and water by spraying the water on the soil two or three times a week.

During the warmer months add a little vermicompost.

2. How much light does the phalanx need to flower

The phalanx adapts very well to penumbra, so it is excellent for keeping indoors. Place it near a window, where it can receive indirect sunlight.

Make sure that the sun’s rays do not reach the plant: they could burn its leaves.

3. Right soil and fertilizers for phalanx flowering

Since it is not a particularly demanding plant, you can prepare a soil for the phalanx by mixing peat, vermiculite and coconut fibre. Make sure the pot has good drainage.

The phalanx does not need fertilizer: just add a little vermicompost during the warm months.

Now that you know how  to make phalanx flower , immediately put these tricks into practice to ensure you have a plant loaded with flowers.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.