
Here’s How to Grow an Endless Amount of Ginger at Home

By liliaturcin5

This plant from Asia has long lived in the West on the reputation of its aphrodisiac virtues.

The development of new cuisine and the opening to Indian and Asian cultures have given it a privileged place again in our daily food.

However, its action on our metabolism is still little known in our Western culture while other health systems such as Ayurveda have long considered it as a universal remedy.

Producing your own ginger is easier than it seems and is a solution to avoid imports from the other side of the globe . gives you the keys to understanding how to plant ginger and successfully grow this tropical perennial plant in our latitudes.

To grow ginger, you must obtain it from a seed catalog or garden center . Ginger in grocery stores is sprayed with growth inhibitors. So even if it works, the chances are very low.

You will also need a very rich and well-drained potting soil. For the pot, use a wide, shallow pot . This is important because ginger roots grow horizontally.

Once you’re ready to grow your ginger stash, follow these 5 simple steps:

  • Soak ginger root overnight.
  • Fill your pot with soil and place your ginger root in it with the eye buds facing upwards.
  • Cover the roots with 1-2 inches of soil.
  • Place the pot in a reasonably warm place, out of direct sunlight.
  • Keep the pot moist with a spray bottle.

Ginger grows slowly and it will take several weeks before you see shoots .
It’s as easy as having an endless supply of ginger! It is the ideal thing to grow indoors due to its low maintenance. Plus, when you cut a little off, the rest keeps growing!