
Purslane: the plant that lowers cholesterol, relieves pain, cures infections

By liliaturcin5

Purslane , also known as Common Porcelain and a myriad of dialect terms, has been used in natural medicine since ancient times, thanks to its incredible properties .

The plant is regaining fame thanks to some recent scientific research which has reconfirmed its analgesic, anti-hemorrhagic, anti-parasitic, purifying and diuretic properties, excellent for treating arthritis, headaches and gum infections.

This medicinal plant is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, necessary for our body.

It is possible to consume purslane in various ways, both raw and cooked. It is rich in water and has a slightly acidic and salty flavour, very similar to that of fresh spinach.

This vegetable is a great source of beta-carotene and vitamin C, and contains minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron and calcium. Other nutrients in this vegetable are: vitamin B1, B2 and B3, copper, folic acid and phosphorus.

You can use purslane to replace spinach: add it to your recipes to enjoy all its properties.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.