
10 reasons to start growing mint at home (and how to do it)

By liliaturcin5

A true marvel of botany: mint is easy to plant and maintain. This plant is not only excellent in the kitchen, but also has numerous benefits for our health.

To grow mint you need a plant, which can be purchased in specialized shops. It is very easy to grow, and can expand throughout the garden or balcony.

  1. Attracts good insects : Mint keeps the garden or balcony full of “beneficial” insects. Mint nectar and pollen help maintain easy access to beneficial insects such as bees and hoverflies.
  2. Natural repellent : Although it attracts “good insects”, mint keeps the “bad” ones away, such as ants and mosquitoes. Mix water with peppermint essential oil and spray the solution near doors and windows.
  3. Anti-fleas : Prepare a bouquet made up of 2 branches of fresh mint, 1 branch of fresh thyme and 1 sprig of mugwort and place it under the pillow or blanket that your pet uses for naps.
  4. Home air freshener : Add a few drops of peppermint oil to your DIY (or eco-friendly) home cleaner.
  5. Adds flavor to drinks …: Add mint to your iced drinks for a touch of freshness.
  6. …and to food! : Add it to cooked or raw vegetables, peas, beans and carrots in the last minutes of cooking.
  7. Desserts : Add mint to desserts, it has a truly irresistible flavor!
  8. Freshens your breath : Chew some mint leaves to say goodbye to bad breath in just a few minutes.
  9. Relieves stomach ache : A mint herbal tea is a godsend for stomach ache. Mint relaxes the digestive tract, relieving indigestion, intestinal gas and abdominal colic.
  10. Relieves hiccups : Put some mint leaves, a little lemon juice and a pinch of salt in a cup of hot water: the relief will be immediate.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.