
15 plants that purify the air at home more effectively

By liliaturcin5

Indoor plants are not only useful for decorating indoor environments, but are also crucial in improving air quality.

Plants make the air in your home more breathable by increasing oxygen in the air thanks to photosynthesis, but they can also filter and purify the air by eliminating toxic substances.

Harmful compounds such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene, released by glues, paints and appliances, may be present in the air at home. Below we list the best 15 plants to purify the air in your home .

  1. Spatafillo . Easy to grow and care for, it has beautiful white flowers that help decorate the environment. This plant is very useful in purifying the air in your home.
  2. Rubber fig (Ficus elastica) . Native to southern Asia, this plant has large, dark leaves, and is ideal for living rooms or bedrooms.
  3. Common ivy (Hedera helix) . It is undoubtedly one of the most used houseplants, and is perfect for decorating windows.
  4. Sansevieria trifasciata . Also called “tiger’s tongue”, this plant is very popular and very simple to care for. Caution: The leaves can be toxic if ingested by pets.
  5. Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii) . This purifying palm can be kept in the shade which is why it is an excellent option for bedrooms or bathrooms.
  6. Aloe vera . Known for its skin-friendly properties, this plant is also an excellent decorative plant that helps purify and improve the air in your home.
  7. Dieffenbachia . This plant, which can be poisonous if ingested, helps purify the air in your home and eliminate numerous toxic substances.
  8. Philodendron . It is one of the most widespread and well-known houseplants, it is simple to grow and particularly effective in purifying the air in your home.
  9. Phalanx (Chlorophytum comosum) . Very well known and available almost everywhere, this plant is simple to care for if placed in a very bright environment.
  10. Log of happiness (Dracaena fragrans) . This plant eliminates various types of toxins from the air, and thanks to its appearance it can help decorate any environment.
  11. Aglaonema . This plant is available in a wide variety of colors, is simple to care for but must be watered often and protected from the cold.
  12. Pachira aquatica . Associated with wealth and abundance, this plant grows best in humid environments and is especially useful when placed in the bathroom.
  13. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) . It has large, colorful leaves and is one of the most effective plants for purifying the air in your home.
  14. Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) . Like all subtropical plants, this one also needs a lot of humidity and that is why it should be placed in the bathroom.
  15. Ficus benjamina . This tree has large, beautiful leaves and, if placed in a sunny location, will thrive and purify the air in your home.

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