
Coconut and Chocolate Truffles

By liliaturcin5

Coconut Chocolate Truffles are delicious little bites that are perfect for satisfying your chocolate craving. This indulgent dessert is easy to prepare and can be customized to your tastes. Coconut Chocolate Truffles are ideal for serving at a party or as a gift for loved ones.


  • 140 grams of condensed milk
  • 100 grams of grated coconut
  • 150 grams of melting dark chocolate
  • 2 tablespoons grated coconut for decoration


  1. Heat the condensed milk over very low heat with 100 g of grated coconut. Remove from the heat when the condensed milk becomes liquid and leave to cool. Cover with transparent film and let rest in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
  2. Remove the mixture from the refrigerator and, using your hands, form small balls the size of a walnut. Reserve them again in the refrigerator or freezer so that they are very cold.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the garnish. Cut the chocolate into small pieces, place it in a casserole dish and melt it in a bain-marie.
  4. Prick the condensed milk truffles with a toothpick or wooden skewer and bathe them in the chocolate. Place them on a rack to drain the excess chocolate.
  5. Before the chocolate coating dries and hardens, sprinkle the truffles with shredded coconut and let cool completely. Serve them in small curled paper capsules