
Learn How to Use Rosemary to Stop Hair Loss and Accelerate Hair Growth

By liliaturcin5

To have soft hair with deep dark tones, there is no need to spend all your money on expensive chemical-based treatments, which can also, in the long term, damage your hair and your hair production. melanin. One of the best alternatives to take care of the health of your hair and to avoid the early appearance of white hair is rosemary infusion or oil.

How to use rosemary?

  • In infusion: rosemary infusion is ideal to use in your DIY sprays to tone your scalp and add shine to your hair. To make it, simply boil a few sprigs of rosemary in 500 ml of boiling water.
  • In oily macerate: it can be incorporated into your homemade oil baths and masks. To make your oily macerate, macerate, for a few days, and away from light, a few sprigs of rosemary in 200 ml of a vegetable oil of your choice.
  • In essential oil: to use in small quantities and diluted in your preparations, it is ideal for the care of problematic scalps.

Why rosemary can be a complete hair treatment?

If this plant is particularly prized for its power on hair loss and regrowth, its oil can also be used for other hair benefits.

A formidable anti-dandruff agent, rosemary acts as a powerful antibacterial that soothes and purifies the scalp in depth. A rosemary treatment can fight against this flaking which can cause complexes and constitute a dermatological disorder. The plant is ideal for those who have dull hair because it acts as an excellent tonic which guarantees strength, tone and shine. An essential beauty ally that you would be wrong to do without.