
Castella Condensed Milk Cake

By liliaturcin5

Castella Condensed Milk Cake
Yolk meringue:

215g egg yolks (12 special eggs),
50g / 18Oz (¼ cup) sugar
1 teaspoon salt
70 ml starch syrup
White meringue:
410g whites (12 special eggs)
200g / 1 cup / 7 ounces sugar
290g/ 10.22Oz soft flour
55g/1.94Oz cornstarch
70ml condensed milk
60 ml cooking oil
10 ml vanilla extract


This cake becomes more delicious and softer as each day passes. This cake requires a lot of eggs, to start, separate 12 whites from the yolks.

In a large bowl, add the 12 egg yolks with 50 grams of sugar, a teaspoon of salt and 70 grams of starch syrup. With the mixer on medium speed, beat the ingredients until pale white, then reduce the speed to medium and beat for one minute to remove any trapped air bubbles.

To know if your meringue is the right texture, it should pile up on top of the meringue when you lift the mixer. In another bowl we add the whites of the 12 eggs along with 200 grams of sugar and begin to beat at low speed. When the sugar has dissolved, increase the speed to high and beat until the meringue is smooth.

Beat until the meringue reaches a soft peak. Pour the egg yolk mixture into the meringue and use a spatula to fold and mix until the ingredients are well combined.

Sift 290 grams of soft flour and 55 grams of cornstarch. Fold in the flour gently but do not overmix the dough. Fold until flour is moistened. Mix 70 ml of milk and 60 ml of oil and 10 ml of vanilla extract and then add a little of the dough to the mixture. Mix them gently, then add them to the dough and fold in just until incorporated.

Prepare your baking pan by lining the bottom and sides with parchment paper, then pour in the batter and use a skewer to remove any air trapped in the batter.

Bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees, then reduce the temperature to 170 degrees C and bake for 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 160 Celcius and bake for another 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 150 C and bake for another 30 minutes .

Total baking time should be 60 minutes. Bake until the top of the cake is golden brown. Once baked, grease a silicone sheet and cover the cake, then quickly turn it over and remove the parchment paper. Let the cake cool for at least an hour before serving, but the best way to eat this cake is after a day.

Trim the edges and cut the cake into the shape you want. Serve the cake with tea or milk and enjoy.