
Discover the Tips for an Unfailing Rice-au-Lait!

By liliaturcin5

We love this deliciously regressive and easy-to-make dessert because it requires few ingredients. to make it even better, here are all our secrets!

  1. To prevent the rice from sticking, there are two solutions. Run your pan under water and add the milk without drying it or grease the bottom a little with butter.
  2. Proper cooking: we start by boiling the milk with the vanilla pod. We pour the rice in rain. Mix well, wait for it to boil again and lower the heat. Then cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add the sugar and continue cooking for another 10 to 15 minutes. And we eat it cold.
  3. Respect the proportions: the rice must always represent a tenth of the milk, so 10g of rice per 100cl of milk. The amount of sugar is at least equal to the amount of rice, but you can increase according to your preferences.
  4. Milk: You should preferably use whole milk (or add a little liquid cream) at the risk of having a rice pudding that is too liquid because you need a minimum of fat, it is even possible, as for a risotto, add mascarpone at the end of cooking, or otherwise, use Alain DUCASSE’s method, which mixes his rice pudding with custard itself containing whipped cream! Of course, you can use plant-based milks, soy milk already containing vanilla, coconut milk, rice milk, etc.
  5. Choose the right rice: traditionally, round rice is preferred by fans, because it is very at home in desserts where its high starch content serves as a natural thickener. Therefore, we do not rinse it before use. We don’t scald it with boiling water either.
  6. Sugar: There, yes, I grant you: you can add 100 g of sugar without problem. For every day, I would rather be a fan of “de-sweetening” the preparations so I use 85 g instead.