
Here are the 5 Best Foods for Detoxification

By liliaturcin5

Do you feel the need to take a course of antioxidant foods? Follow the guide to learn about detox foods! Did you overindulge during the holidays? Here are the top 10 detox foods! To consume without moderation…

1 – BEET

Beetroot contains methionine which helps the body process body waste, and betanin which helps the liver metabolize fatty acids.


  • Of course, after overeating, we prefer to have fresh breath and garlic is probably the last food we want to eat…
  • However, garlic contains selenium and allicin, two nutrients that help the liver in the detoxification process.


Cruciferous vegetables (green cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.): they provide vitamin C, soluble fiber with an appetite suppressant effect, and chromium which regulates blood sugar levels. Their sulfur compounds help the digestive system to resurface after excesses. Please note: red cabbage is one of the cabbages richest in micronutrients.


The apple contains pectin, a fiber which allows the excretion of toxins and swells in the stomach on contact with the liquids there, which contributes to the feeling of satiety.


  • Lemon is probably one of the most well-known detox foods. This citrus fruit has the effect of stimulating the activity of the kidneys, which promotes the elimination of toxins.
  • Thanks to the flavonoids it contains, lemon has antioxidant properties that can prevent many diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.