
How to Eliminate Wrinkles and Soften Skin with Vaseline and Lemon

By liliaturcin5

It is entirely possible to have radiant skin with the help of ingredients at your fingertips. There are probably two products in your home with properties that might surprise you. These are lemon and petroleum jelly.


  • 1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice


  1. Get a glass container
  2. Mix the petroleum jelly and your lemon juice until they form a homogeneous paste
  3. Before applying your cream, wash your face with water or your usual cleanser.
  4. Massage your skin using circular movements with your fingertips, spreading the mask all over your face and without touching your eyes.
  5. Leave it on overnight and rinse the next day with lukewarm water.
  6. WARNING: Choose an organic lemon to avoid the presence of pesticides. It should also be noted that lemon has photo-sensitizing effects, it is therefore important to apply it only in the evening and to rinse the skin thoroughly before exposing yourself to the sun.