
I don’t buy cheese anymore! Since I learned this recipe, I prepare it with 3 ingredients and in no time!

By liliaturcin5

Have you ever thought about enjoying a good homemade cheese to make with your own hands? With the right recipe, starting today, you can do it right away. In fact, only 3 ingredients will be enough and that’s it, you will bring to the table a product which, in addition to being tastier than packaged ones, is certainly much healthier and more genuine.

Undoubtedly, you will be a great success with friends and family, who will not expect to eat a real treat of this magnitude. Everyone will appreciate a taste, as it is so soft, delicate and tasty that everyone will like it. Furthermore, as it contains few fats and calories, it also allows those who follow a controlled diet to eat a little cheese, obviously provided they don’t overdo it. If you are thinking that the preparation is complex know that you are wrong, as the procedure is within anyone’s reach and, what is even more pleasant to know, it takes just 10 minutes.

Homemade cheese recipe, much tastier and healthier than what you buy!


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 1 kg of cottage cheese with 5% fat or more
  • 30 g of melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of salt


  1. First of all put a saucepan on the fire, pour the milk, add the ricotta, mix continuously with a spoon and heat over medium heat, but without boiling until the whey has separated .
  2. Now filter the liquid obtained using a fine-mesh gauze and a bowl. In the gauze you will have the solid part, the one you will need to prepare the cheese. Transfer it to a bowl and add the melted butter, salt and baking soda, mix well with a spoon, then taking care to stir continuously, heat in a bain-marie until the mixture has become softer.
  3. Finally, transfer your cheese into a 500 ml plastic container, shape with your hands, cover with transparent film and leave to cool (better in the refrigerator) for at least 30 minutes .