
Eliminate Wrinkles with this DIY Japanese Mask

By liliaturcin5

On the market there are thousands of products that promise to rejuvenate the face and reduce expression lines in a short time, the truth is that these items can be very expensive for our wallets, and often full, move on – me the expression: “junk”, but what would you do if we told you that there is a “Japanese” remedy based on rice which brings all these benefits from its first application.

Rice is rich in B vitamins, which stimulate cell repair and reduce premature aging of the skin. In addition, rice cooking water has hydrating and antioxidant properties.

To take advantage of the benefits of rice against wrinkles,  you can prepare a skin mask, and below we explain how to do it.


  • Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of preferably brown rice, 1 tablespoon of milk, 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Cook the rice in water until the grains are tender. Filter the cooking water and set aside. Rinse the rice and add the tablespoon of hot milk and the tablespoon of honey, mixing well.
  • Wash your face and apply the puree of rice, honey and milk, distributing it over the entire surface of the face. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with the rice cooking water.
  • Repeat the treatment once a week for at least 1 month.